Powersuite adalah paket lengkap untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja komputer anda, pasti anda sendiri sudah tau kan cara kerja software yang ada di powersuite, karena powersuite adalah gabungan dari RegistryBooster, DriverScanner dan SpeedUpMyPC itu versi yang dahulu, di versi powersuite yang sekarang Register Booster tidak tercantum dalam paket powersuite, dan di gantikan oleh MaxiDisk.
cara kerja maxidisk di komputer adalah membersihkan dan men-defragmen file besar untuk memaksimalkan ruang hard disk.
Features :
- Remove invalid registry entries to reduce errors and conflicts
- Deactivate unused processes and services to free up resources
- Boost system resource management to reduce slowdowns
- Update old drivers to improve hardware function
- Clean out junk files and old backups consuming hard disk space
- Defragment large files to optimize performance
- A convenient centralized interface for three award winning programs
- Integral performance analysis
- A powerful and comprehensive performance boost
- Automatic and unobtrusive maintenance
System requirements :
- Intel Pentium 4 1GHz or Equivalent processor
- 512 MB RAM
- 750 MB free hard disk space
- Graphics mode 1024x768 true color (highest 32-bit)
- Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7
- Internet Explorer 7
- Active Internet Connection (?)
Password : exo-zone.blogspot.com
Download Uniblue PowerSuite v3.0.6.6 2012 Full Version Filetolink
cara kerja maxidisk di komputer adalah membersihkan dan men-defragmen file besar untuk memaksimalkan ruang hard disk.
Features :
- Remove invalid registry entries to reduce errors and conflicts
- Deactivate unused processes and services to free up resources
- Boost system resource management to reduce slowdowns
- Update old drivers to improve hardware function
- Clean out junk files and old backups consuming hard disk space
- Defragment large files to optimize performance
- A convenient centralized interface for three award winning programs
- Integral performance analysis
- A powerful and comprehensive performance boost
- Automatic and unobtrusive maintenance
System requirements :
- Intel Pentium 4 1GHz or Equivalent processor
- 512 MB RAM
- 750 MB free hard disk space
- Graphics mode 1024x768 true color (highest 32-bit)
- Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7
- Internet Explorer 7
- Active Internet Connection (?)
Password : exo-zone.blogspot.com
Download Uniblue PowerSuite v3.0.6.6 2012 Full Version Filetolink