Cisco Speed Meter Pro v1.3.9052 Full Patch

Dengan Cisco Speed Meter, sobat bisa mencoba untuk mencari tahu apa yang menyebabkan slowdowns pada koneksi internet sobat. perangkat lunak ini bisa Mengidentifikasi sumber jaringan slowdowns dan Memungkinkan sobat untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah dengan cepat dan mengoptimalkan jaringan untuk kecepatan maksimum dan produktivitas. sehingga membantu sobat mendiagnosa dan mengelola nirkabel jaringan dan koneksi Internet yang slowdowns.
Features :
- View your entire network configuration and performance in one place
- View the device dashboard with traffic flow and program data to see how network resources are being used
- Quickly identify slowdowns and pinpoint issues on your local network, your wireless router or Internet connection that affect performance
- Visually see the devices and software programs that are using your network
- Manage the performance for all of your home network connections
- Analyze your wireless connection to make sure you are getting maximum speed with the best throughput
- Track your favorite websites and their performance to see if connection issues are due to your network, the website or a general slowing of the Internet
- Receive Alerts and network status information
- Set alerts to track if a connection status is slow, interrupted or down
- Get real time data on traffic flow and speed between your computer and other devices on your network and between your computer and Internet
- Check traffic volume and connection status of everything connected on your home network.

Silahkan jika ingin memakai software ini, download link di bawah :
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Download Cisco Speed Meter Pro v1.3.9052  Mediafire
bang ming Comment Poster
nice share... sekedar saran, untuk link download sebaiknya di bikin 'open in new tab'jadi main page tetep terbuka buat klik yg laen (cos kalo udah ketimpa halaman baru, males mao back lagi :D)
D.1.D DNTS Comment Poster
@bang ming saran sobat saya terima ... terima kasih :)